Resources & guides that will help you take your style to the next level.

Browse The Shop

Dreading the thought of going shopping because it's time-consuming and frustrating

Right this minute, you can probably relate to the following:

Feeling that your current wardrobe doesn't truly express your personality and style

Wanting to streamline your wardrobe so that dressing well becomes effortless and enjoyable

Struggling to find clothes that fit well and flatter your body shape

You know that the next step in your style journey is to  build a wardrobe that makes you feel confident and empowered every day.

Grab the free cheat sheet and learn quick, go-to outfit combinations that make every morning stress-free and stylish.

Effortless Outfit Formulas for Women Navigating Life Transitions

This free checklist is not just a list of clothing; it's a roadmap to building a collection of timeless and versatile pieces that form the foundation of an elegant wardrobe. 

Your Next Chapter Wardrobe Essentials Checklist

Walk away with renewed confidence and clear, actionable steps that you can immediately apply to start creating a wardrobe that feels authentically you!

30 minute Style Consultation


7 Ways to Tell if Your Clothes Are Outdated

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- Heather

"Ahhhhh I love thisssss!!! I’m so excited to go shopping now! Completely blown away by the numerous options I have to wear now!!!!"

About 5 years ago I went through a major change in my life. All I wanted after my divorce was to start fresh! First thing on my list? My wardrobe! Style became a powerful tool for me to rebuild my self-confidence and embrace my unique body. I embraced my passion for fashion and curated a wardrobe that aligned with my authentic self and celebrated my individuality, allowing me to step into this new chapter of my life feeling confident and empowered.

That's when I decided to become a personal stylist and help other women like me harness the power of style to achieve their goals and feel confident in their bodies. I've made it my mission to help women in their 40's+ feel and look fabulous no matter their size, lifestyle or personal challenges!

I'm Gabrielle and I'm so excited you are here!

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